
We are always looking for good employees. If you are a versatile multidiscipline who would like to drive for yourself, please contact us! Together we are strong, and together we get it to!

Sogn Industry

What does it mean to work in
Sogn Industri?

With us, you will not be stuck to a single work task. We are versatile and contribute where needed. We all have our fixed tasks, but when it’s a big project, everyone will get involved.

We like to let our employees grow in all directions. Rotate on responsibilities and titles so that one can be used where the need is. With us you get constant new challenges and steep learning curve. One should work a long time in this profession to see that the basket smooths out. It comes constant new technology, new aid, new solutions.

You will:

  • Become confident.
  • Could make big important decisions.
  • Get a total system understanding.
  • Have project roles from bottom to top.

When you are fully integrated into the SOGN industry you will be able to get an idea on the table, have the ability and self-discipline to pull that idea through from thought to realization.

On Shore-Off Shore

Sogn Industri has extensive experience with project execution and start-up, onshore and offshore.


Sogn Industri utilize all its experience from Oil, Energy and Maritime to link technology and methodology against sustainability.


Our engineers each have partakers in both the planning phase and the start-up to major international power initiatives.


We can take on the leadership role or be an active supporter within the maritime project.